Things you should know before you proceed

Hello there :) Meghna here. About me: Age 15. Malaysia. Indian. Grew up in Singapore. Third Culture Kid. Loves: Music. The Wombats. Harry Potter. Dance. Art. Singing though the presence of talents is questionable.Writing.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November Birthdays :)

18th- Kelly Mizuno
20th - Na Hyeon Park
22nd- Shaillaja Durairaj
24th- Pookulungara Sivakumar (my dad)

Happy birthday you guys :) I love you all.

Megs :)



Raise them placards and raise them high

THIMUN Singapore was amazing.
Hands down.

People say I'm lucky because a THIMUN conference is my second conference and I was an ambassador too. Debating, lobbying, meeting so many new people and missing them afterwards.
Singapore <3 A truly amazing place to be. I miss it dearly. I suspect that the place itself contributed to the emotions I associate with the conference (something we discussed in psychology today ;) ) because it was amazing just being there again. Words cannot express what the conference was like. Well they probably can but they don't seem to be flowing from my mouth at the moment. Probably because I'm sleepy.

I miss everyone and everything there. I'm suffering from PMS- Post MUN Syndrome and I want it to go away. I want to raise my placard (and not get called on most of the time), I want to walk around in suits and heels and feel important, I want to pass notes to the adorable little admins who love passing notes (and adding their own scribbles) I want to debate and lobby and meet new people, and meet old ones again. 

This was a longer post than expected. I must be off to bed now. I'm sleepy, as mentioned earlier.

Hello Shaillu :) Thanks for staying up to read my endless posts.


Because this place isn't magical enough

I truly believe that J.K. Rowling has surpassed herself, and has given the world a gift; the Harry Potter series are the best seven books ever written in history.

If you do not wish to die a slow and painful death, never insult Harry Potter, EVER. I will slap you, throw you off a building, stab you, poke you in the eye and other places with my fake wand, stone you, jump on your back, scream in your ear, stomp on your foot, kick you, punch you, shoot you, stare at you with my creepy stare, ignore you (you know you need my attention), push you into a wall, throw you off a building, hang you by your ears, whip you, hit you, hate you, wish you death, kill you.

Harry Potter is my childhood, my past, my present and my future. I can read and reread the books umpteen times and I will never get bored of them. The first book I ever got my hands on was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. My dad got it for me and I started reading it as I moved along orchard road. I did not understand much but the book had it's own kind of magic that bound me and compelled me to keep reading until I did understand. After that, I had to read every other book I could get my hands on.

I remember when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (the book- I hate most of the movies) came out. It came out during a weekend when I was in 6th grade. The next day, I watched enviously as my friends read the last book of the series, the book that would determine and show the world Harry's fate. When I got home that evening, I begged my dad to get me a copy but he refused. Heartbroken, I vented my frustration by playing video games (I was a heavy gamer then and I loved Super Mario). My mother stopped me at 7, after 3 hours of continuous gaming and made me promise that I wouldn't read anymore books or watch television or go anywhere near the computer for the rest of the day. When my dad came home, I noticed a square package in his arms- behold the Deathly Hallows. I was ecstatic but I could not read it, not yet, so I slept early hoping that 'tomorrow' would come fast. The next day and the day after that, I finished the book in a record of 3 hours total. I was quite proud of myself.

Now and then I reread the books, and after I finish I feel a pang of sadness. That was another book that I had finished, another detail that I now knew, which meant that the next time I read it, there would be less to learn. But the excitement and the magic never goes away.

I apologize for the huge post, but I wanted to show my gratitude to Joanne Kathleen Rowling and the Harry Potter Series; you have truly made my life magical. Kudos to you.

Megs :)

Friday, November 11, 2011


HAPPY 11/11/11! I hope that everyone made a wish at 11:11:11 today. I did, with my friend Shai in Psychology and we took a snapshot on Kaizer's laptop.
I apologise because I feel a little silly, making a huge deal out of a date but I can't help doing so when everyone around me is so excited. It does seem a little magical though it might have been in my imagination. Don't forget to make another wish at 11.11.11 11:11 PM today. I choose to wish the same wish again to strengthen it :)
Megs :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Don't fear death, fear a life unlived. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.

I came across this quote today and it really spoke to me. (I know unlived isn't a word but I couldn't rephrase it properly.)
Many fear death, because they fear losing everything they have. They don't want to stop living, to be wiped out from this world. Even if you are not physically in this world, you will always live on through memories and the work you have done. Don't fear death, it only makes you over cautious and you lose the meaning of life.
I once read this book about a young boy with cancer. He eventually died by the end, but even though I cant remember the name or the author of the book, I remember the value I learned from it.

There are all kinds of tunes, some short ones and some long ones. The long ones are perfectly fine the way they are, as are the short ones. The long ones usually drag on for a bit and when you think they are done, they continue. The short ones are usually peppy with a nice beat and they stay in your heads the longest. They don't NEED to be any longer than they are. Would you rather be a long tune or a short tune?

I don't think that I need to explain further on the quote. It really says things, doesn't it?

Megs :) 

Saturday, November 5, 2011


The future is a long time away.
Then again it is not.
The sad disadvantage of being a TCT is that you often set your mind on going to a certain place for university, when you might have to go back to your own instead. It is not a rare occurrence for people staying in their own country to want to go to other places as well, but for TCTs, its harder.

The US is where I want to study medicine. If not, Singapore, UK and India is fine but my heart is set on medicine. Unfortunately, medicine takes about 8+ years to study unpaid but after those first years, you do residency and you get paid. Medicine is expensive, no joke. 40,000 is the average PER YEAR. The number makes me shrivel up and die a little inside. My parents also have my sister to take care of, and she is showing interest in medicine as well.

I like planning. It amuses me.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Third Culture Teens. (Third Culture Kids)

TCKs are people who are in the middle of two cultures, because they have moved around a lot or they live somewhere apart from their original country. I'm a TCK, or a TCT as I like to call it.

Chris Shaughnessy is an amazing speaker who has lived in 81+ countries, and he isn't even married yet. He talked to our school about the life of a TCK and how they are different from those who remained in their home country for most of their lives. I found him terribly funny and his accents were amazing.

As you can tell, I've changed my blog a bit and my writing style is going to be different (I'll tell you about that assignment later). New Blog year (yes its been over a year since I've been blogging), new blog ideas.

Get ready for my posts.