1. If you went to Hogwarts which house would you be sorted in?
Ahh this is difficult. I can't quite choose.
Gryffindor because its what values bravery and loyalty and I value those too. Slytherin because well, Tom Felton was playing Draco Malfoy and he was in Slytherin but I've always admired their cunning. Ravenclaw for their brains and cleverness. And Hufflepuff for taking in everyone they got.
2. Have you ever been to the HP midnight release?No, sadly no. My obsession began only after all the books were released.
3. What did you think of the Deathly Hallows?
Book or movie?
Book: Amazingg. I read it in three hours over two days after school and after I was done with all of my homework.
Movie 1: Amazing. I was getting disappointed with the quality of the last few but this pulled it up.
Movie 2: I did not like it at all.
4. How many times have you reread the books?Oh god, I don't know. I've lost count.
5. Whose death was the saddest?Fred :(
6. If you went to Hogwarts would you rather have an owl, a cat, or a rat?Owl :) I'd like the magical equivalent of a cellphone.
7. What do you think of the movie Half-Blood Prince?
It was one of the better movies in the whole series.
8. What do you think of the Deathly Hallows being split in two?
They did it to include all the details but they still left out a lot.
9. Have you read the Tales of Beedle the Bard?
Not yet.
10. When did you first become a Potter fan?Ah. Well I first read the Order of the Phoenix when I was in grade 3 but I didn't really understand it. A year later, I was hooked.
Female character?
Bellatrix Lestrange! Helena Bonham Carter was amazing!
Male character?
Must be old Voldy :)
Mcgonagall. I've always wanted a teacher who could turn into a cat.
Death Eater?
Lucius Malfoy. Long pale blonde hair ftw
Magical creature?
Spell?Reparo- the things I break around my house...
Fear of a name increases the fear of the thing itself.
Goblet of Fire
the Prisoner of Azkaban
Hogwarts House?
You asked this D:
Diagon Alley!
This or that…
Gryffindor or Slytherin?
Ahhhhhh. Can't pick.
Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff?
Fred or George?
Ahhh. They're like one person! Like Sameneric from Lord of the Flies
Ginny or Luna?
ahh...I'd say Luna for trusting Harry :)
Butterbeer or Firewhiskey?
Firewhiskey..because it sounds cool.
Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade?
Books or Movies?
books! books! books!
Half Blood Prince or Deathly Hallows?
Half Blood Prince because Dumbledore isn't dead yet.
Philosophers Stone or Chamber of Secrets?
Chamber of Secrets
Snape or Slughorn?
Snape Snape Severus Snape (DUMBLEDORE)
Lupin or Sirius?
Sirius :))
Harry/Ginny or Harry/Hermione?
Harry Hermione are such close friends that it's impossible to imagine anything more.Harry/Ginny :)
Lavender Brown or Parvati Patil?
ewwww Lavender. Parvati :)
Seamus Finnigan or Dean Thomas?
Dean, because he went out with Ginny and got Harry jealous :P
Kreacher or Dobby?
Dobby <3
Muggleborn or Pureblood?
I don't caree
Dan or Rupert?
Rupert is taller :P
Bellatrix or Narcissa?
Bellatrix :)
Voldemort or Tom Riddle?
Hedwig or Crookshanks?